Digital Climate Advisory Services (DCAS) for 300 million small-scale food producers
Small-scale agricultural producers are often the most exposed to climate impacts and have the least access to resources. The Geodata for Agriculture and Water (G4AW) grant programme began in 2013 as an initiative by the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) to boost climate resilience of smallholder food producers in Africa and Asia using satellite data. Since then, the programme has reached over one million food producers through nearly 130 partners across 15 countries. The programme contributes to the Agriculture and Food Security Action Track Agenda of the Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA), which aims to increase funding and support to build the resilience of 300 million small-scale farmers in low- and middle-income countries by 2030.
G4AW project Gap4A digitizing Burundi agriculture through the Agri-Coach app
Investment Blueprint for scaling up digital tools
The GCA’s Agriculture and Food Security Action Track calls for a large-scale, international mobilization over the coming decade to ensure small-scale producers are resilient to climate change. One of the key goals is to develop an Investment Blueprint (expected in Spring 2021) for scaling up digital tools to empower 100 million farmers and local agribusinesses to become more resilient through real-time advisories, seasonal forecasts, index-based insurance, market intelligence, and early warning systems. The Commission is mobilizing a wide range of partners to achieve this goal. Partners include development organizations, smallholder farmers’ associations, government agencies, businesses, and other organizations from around the world (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, FAO, African Development Bank, Global Environment Facility et al). The Netherlands Space Office is one of them.
4,5 million smallholders by 2022
The G4AW-programme, started in 2013 and supports 25 projects providing various digital advisory services aiming to enhance climate resilience, increase household incomes and food security. Satellite based index insurances were issued in Ethiopia, Mali and Uganda while in other African and Southeast-Asian countries farmers subscribed to agricultural advisory services which they received through their mobile phones, call centres or other means. These geodata-based services promote better use of agricultural inputs such as water, fertilizer, and pesticides. In some cases, farmers receive information on market prices, weather and agricultural agronomic advice, as well as access to financial services such as pensions, insurances, and loans. The ambition is to reach 4,5 million smallholders by 2022.
Project insights
All of the G4AW projects and results achieved up until December 2020 have been released and published on a dedicated Akvo RSR website for open and transparent communication. The results provide an insight in the progress of all 25 projects that have received financial and other support. Please have a look at our G4AW website for more information on the programme and the individual projects.