G4AW publications

Geodata for M&E in FNS Projects: Summary report and a roadmap to greater adoption 2024

Space for Food Security, Part 2: Sustainable Business Models and Scaling, Main Report 2022

Download the Main Report (English, pdf)

Space for Food Security, Part 2: Sustainable Business Models and Scaling, Summary Report 2021

Space for Food Security, Part 1: Users and Services, Main Report 2021

Space for Food Security, Part 1: Users and Services, Summary Report 2021

NpM Geodata for AgTech and FinTech; what have we learned?, March 2021

Download the report (English, PDF)

G4AW East Africa From Early Stage to Scale Report, 2019

Download the report (English, PDF)

G4AW West Africa IT and GEODATA for Agriculture Report, 2019

Download the report (English, PDF)

Geodata for Inclusive Finance and Food, 2017 (published by NpM)

Download brochure (English, PDF)

Including women smallholder farmers: a business case for success, 2017

Download the report (English, PDF)

"Doing business with satellite based apps and services for smallholder farmers and pastoralists", 2016

Download our brochure (English, PDF)

Report on lessons learned in the first years of the G4AW Facility, 2016

Download our brochure (English, PDF)