Call 2014-2015

The official notice for Geodata for Agriculture and Water (G4AW) Facility Call 2014-2015:

Geodata for Agriculture and Water Official Publication - Government Gazette nr. 24934, 5 September 2014 (Dutch only).
Notice: Amendment of Paragraph 2.4.Financial rules, 7th bullet: Wijziging Geodata for Agriculture and Water 2014-2015 - Government Gazette nr. 26972, 25 September 2014 (Dutch only).


English translation
An English translation of the Official notice no. 24934 and amendment no. 26792 is available here:
Geodata for Agriculture and Water Official Publication (English translation).

In case of conflict between the policies and provisions laid down in the publication of the G4AW Facility in the Government Gazette (‘Staatscourant’) and the English translation, the Government Gazette prevails.

The new brochure G4AW call 2014-2015 is available here.