Values in G4AW partner countries

A Multi-Annual Strategic Plan for every partner country

The Netherlands has 15 partner countries in total. The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs draws up Multi-Annual Strategic Plans (MASPs) setting out the details of development cooperation policy in each country.

Available MASPs for the G4AW partner countries:

  1. Bangladesh | PDF | 2.8MB
  2. Benin | PDF | 1.1MB
  3. Burundi | PDF | 2.7MB
  4. Ethiopia | PDF | 7.9MB
  5. Ghana | PDF | 1.0MB
  6. Great Lakes Region (incl. Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda) | PDF | 4.0MB
  7. Horn of Africa (incl. Ethiopia, South Sudan) | PDF | 0.8MB (in Dutch)
  8. Indonesia | PDF | 1.2MB
  9. Kenya | PDF | 0.5MB
  10. Mali | PDF | 3.1MB
  11. Mozambique | PDF | 0.3MB
  12. Rwanda | PDF | 3.4MB
  13. Uganda | PDF | 2.9MB
  14. South Sudan*

*The Netherlands’ development relationship with South Sudan is aimed at increasing security and stability. This is a precondition for economic development. Due to the insecure situation in the country the Netherlands has not drawn up a Multi-Annual Strategic Plan (MJSP) for cooperation with South Sudan between 2014-2017.

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