Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping unit (VAM)

The Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (VAM) Unit is an internal structure within World Food Programme (WFP) that provides temporary and long-term technical assistance in food security analyis to decision-makers.  It is espressly an information tool for WFP relief and development program design, management, and evaluation. 

Key activities of VAM:

  • risk analysis
  • food economy analysis
  • vulnerability analysis
  • early warning
  • emergency assessment and targeting
  • contingency planning
  • monitoring and evaluation


  • analytical support to the country office on food security;
  • a baseline analysis of structural vulnerability complete with a data base;
  • historical data sets;
  • a Geograhpic Information System (GIS) for analysing and mapping available data sets;
  • an assessment of the local capacity to continue the project;
  • a final composite vulnerability analysis and report.

Food security assessments
WFP's network of food security analysts works closely with national governments, UN partners and NGOs. Their work informs the policies and programmes that WFP and its partners adopt in order to fight hunger in different circumstances. To collect, manage and analyse data, they use advanced technologies such as satellite imagery, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and mobile data collection platforms such as smart phones, tablets and Personal Digital Assistants.
Bulletins, reports, and analyses generated from all of these activities are public and can be downloaded from the Food Security Analysis Assessment Bank.

Food security assessments:


Useful links: