Regional Remote Sensing Unit (RRSU)

The Regional Remote Sensing Unit (RRSU) is a program coordinated by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) designed to support early warning for food secruity of its fourteen member nations. The goal of the program is to promto sustainable natural resource use and to enhance information for disaster risk management.

The unit monitors the progress of the season using cold duration/intensity images, rainfall estimates and vegetation images (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index).  These datasets used are acquired from the NOAA, SPOT and METEOSAT series of satellites, through the USGS/FEWSNET, USA; FAO in Rome, Italy; and the Department of Meteorological Services (DMS) in Gaborone, Botswana.

Given the large number of digital vector data bases available in the SADC region, a uniform regional standard vector data set for SADC has been developed at a 1:1million scale. This is based on the DCW, but is enhanced through merging existing and newly-digitised national data sets. The data set is regularly updated and improved.

Close contacts are maintained with a number of regional and international organisations and institutes. These contacts are being used to further improve the services and products through research and development.



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