Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)

In order to address the need for improved climate information and to provide an effective interface between scientists, service providers and decision-makers, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and its partner organizations for the World Climate Conference-3 in September 2010 proposed to create a Global Framework for Climate Services through which the developers and providers of climate information, predictions and services, and the climate-sensitive sectors around the world, will work together, to help the global community better adapt to the challenges of climate variability and change.

The Framework will have four major components: Observation and Monitoring; Research, and Modelling and Prediction; a Climate Services Information System; and a User Interface Programme. The Climate Services Information System (CSIS) will build on established global programmes such as the World Climate Programme and will reinforce, strengthen and better coordinate the existing institutions, infrastructure and mechanisms but importantly, will focus on user-driven activities and outputs, while continuing to implement science-and technology-driven ones. The User Interface Programme will develop ways to bridge the gap between the climate information being developed by climate scientists and service providers and the practical information needs of users.

The Framework, when fully implemented, will support disaster risk management and climate risk management practices, and will contribute to achieving the objectives of various Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and of internationally agreed upon goals including the Millennium Development Goals.

The Framework will build on and strengthen existing local, national, regional and global networks of climate observation, monitoring, research, modelling and service programmes, including those of WMO. It aims to achieve its goal through the enhanced role and involvement of national meteorological services and regional/global centers, as well as greater participation of other stakeholders and centers of excellence across relevant socio-economic sectors, particularly those in developing countries, Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

