Food Security Information Network (FSIN)

The FSIN community of practice - A global effort to strengthen information systems for food and nutrition security and promote evidence-based analysis and decision making.

In October 2012, FAO, IFPRI and WFP officially launched the Food Security Information Network (FSIN) to enable developing countries to build sustainable food and nutrition information systems.  FSIN has established a global community of practice (CoP) linking a broad range of partners to facilitate the exchange of experiences and field practices in food security and nutrition information and analysis among national, regional and other global or thematic networks;

Why join the FSIN Community of Practice? 

FSIN Community of Practice (FSIN CoP) is the platform supporting the FSIN initiative and the FSIN CoP, which includes representatives of national, regional or global institutions, NGOs or individual food security professionals. It provides public access to professional development tools and offers registered members the opportunity to:

  • Receive weekly e-alerts and a quarterly e-newsletter to be kept up-to-date on the latest news and events related to food and nutrition security information systems;
  • Automatically receive invitations to participate in e-consultations;
  • Participate in dedicated discussion groups on emerging topics (e.g. the CoP on resilience measurement
  • Propose content for the “news and events” section; and
  • Access CoP members’ profiles for information exchange and networking?

To find out more about FSIN and to join the community of practice, please visit the website.



Brochure: FSIN Brochure

Documentation: The FSIN landscape, a document that presents the key actors concerned with producing information for food and nutrition security, both in emergency and in development contexts, might also be of interest to you. Available at: