Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems (FIVIMS)

The FIVIMS initiative responds to a request from developing countries for better coordination of international development support and food aid. FIVIMS addresses several key questions: Who are the food insecure and vulnerable people? Where are they? How many are they? Why are they hungry? What should be done to address the immediate and underlying causes of their food insecurity? Since the degree of vulnerability of people to under nourishment is determined by both their exposure to risk factors and their ability to cope with those risks, FIVIMS undertakes analyses that integrate information from across different sectors to assess both supply of and demand for food. An important FIVIMS product is the FIVIMS Global GIS Database, which illustrates the spatial and environmental contexts for agricultural productivity and accessibility and poverty maps derived using socio-economic data and satellite imagery.

At national, and regional levels, FIVIMS helps countries carry out a more careful characterization of the food insecure and vulnerable population groups, improving understanding through cross-sectoral analysis of the underlying causes, and using evidence-based information and analysis to advocate for the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes enhancing food security and nutrition. Strengthened and more integrated food insecurity and vulnerability information systems at national and sub-national levels can provide better and more up-to-date information to the policy-makers and members of civil society concerned with food security issues at all levels in the country. 

At global level, FIVIMS promotes coordinated action among partner agencies in support of best practices in the development of national and regional food insecurity and vulnerability information and mapping systems. Better information and knowledge on the underlying causes must lead to targeted action to ensure eradication of extreme poverty and hunger.

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