FMO Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank

FMO is the Dutch development bank. FMO invests in companies, projects and financial institutions in developing countries.

The objective of FMO is to contribute to the advancement of productive enterprises in developing countries, to the benefit of economic and social advancement of those countries, in accordance with the aims pursued by their governments and the policy of the Netherlands government on development cooperation, by:

  • providing finance to or on behalf of natural persons and legal entities engaged or intending to engage in a business or profession in a developing country by taking equity interests, advancing loans and providing subsidies; 
  • acting as intermediary in raising finance on behalf of the natural persons and legal entities referred to under (a) above; 
  • providing appropriate forms of finance for technical assistance, training, investment, promotion activities and other activities which may be conducive to the advancement of productive enterprises in developing countries; 
  • engaging in any other activity, in the widest sense, which is conducive to the advancement of productive enterprises in developing countries.
