SAPA Mobile

SAPA Mobile is a mobile-based full functional supply chain and information management system. It integrates large numbers of smallholder farmers (small holder farmers are those farmers who own or cultivate less than 2.0 hectare of land) into commercial supply chains facilitating mutually beneficial partnerships between smallholder farmers and exporters/buyers. It also provides technical information, and recommends best practices to smallholder farmers in real time.

Aside from the examples detailed in the innovative practice summaries, in Indonesia, the Institut Teknologi Bandung incubated the development of SCM software in partnership with Nokia, the Korean International Cooperation Agency, various Indonesian government ministries, and local corporations. Like many similar applications, SAPA Mobile for Agribusiness (, runs on mobile phones and networked computers. Now a private venture, SAPA links over 5,000 small-scale organic rice producers into commercial export supply chains. Smallholders in Sukabumi, West Java, Serdang Bedagai, and North Sumatera regions participate; further expansion is planned.

Website: not available

Countries: Indonesia (Sukabumi, West Java, Serdang Bedagai, and North Sumatera regions)